Frack Facts

Friday, May 26, 2006

You know that even though you sometimes have done everything you know to do there is still that feeling that leaves you unsure about yourself. Well I have to admit and confess that when I left Virginia two days ago that I really was not totally sure or convinced that the trailer would work and function properly. Well tonight I am sitting in CC's Coffe House in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and have traveled now for two days without one single incident. I did a lot of praying along the way but it was a great victory to finally pull in this afternoon. I even slowed down on Interstate 12 at the scene of last summer's first blowout and said a little prayer. It went something like this, "Thank you Lord for giving me 3 flat tires last summer" Now some of you maybe thinking that I need another cup of coffee because I have obviously lost my senses. In reality, I feel really great because I can now look back on the whole sequence of events and see just how awesome God orchestrated those events that even though on that hot summer day last year I couldn't understand, I now can see the magnificent symphony that he created through all of the people and places those events brought us. Robert Bullock you are an angel and you are a major topic of my prayers of thanksgiving tonight. Thanks to Lawrence and Jim back in Virginia for all of your help too. I am going to cut it short tonight so I can get some sleep before we hed to Morgan City tommorrow. I pray that God will keep all of our eyes open to the way he will masterfully ochestrate our summer. Although I can't see tonight exactly how it will turn out, I look forward to enjoying being used as an instrument in His masterful composition.

Musically His,


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