Frack Facts

Friday, July 20, 2007

We had an incredibly late load out tonight. Didn't finish until nearly 1:30. No real problems. Just got started late. As we near the end of tour, the shows are later on Friday, which pushes back load-out. Oh well. There's plenty of time for rest and relaxation in September, that's what I always say. Show went great tonight. I was blessed by some sweet faces and some incredilbly hard workers during the show. Tomorrow we head to Virignia. It's a long drive, and we're all tired, so remember us, if you will -- and our Maxxis tires. So far, 9 weeks behind us and not one flat tire. Wahoo.

Thanks everyone for continuing to undergird us with your prayers and support. The mission field is full of challenges, and those challeges come in many different forms. Your prayers mean the world to all of us as we seek to be faithful to God's calling and depend daily on Him for grace, peace, mercy, and strength. I'll try to update you from Falls Church.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

It's late, and we're really tired, so I'm going to keep this short. We had a full load-in today -- staging, sound, lights, the whole kit and the whole caboodle. We're in Chattanooga, a first for us, and though the weather is cooler than last week in Columbus, the facility is a little more challenging.

In the past couple of weeks since I posted, we've contined to see God's will unfold for out 2007 tour. Our camp in Gulfport was both rewarding and challenging. Believe it or not, we had a camper who finally moved into her new mobile home 22 months after Hurricane Katrina the week of camp. Signs of the devestation are still everywhere on the Gulf Coast. Please continue to pray for them as they rebuild their lives and homes.

In Columbus, we were truly blessed in many ways. The hotel where we stayed didn't have the three double non-smoking rooms our host had reserved, so they put us in five king rooms instead -- at no extra charge. After the FEMA trailers in Gulfport, the extra space was really a blessing. Our greatest joy, though, was seeing a young friend at Camp. Two years ago we met "Mark" in Columbus. Mark has some speech issues, as well as some maturity issues, and we thought we'd never get him to say 'INCONCEIVABLE" on cue. He managed to tangle up the word in every rehearsal. The night of the show, Mark stepped proudly forward and said "INCONCEVIABLE!" then promptly looked at us and blurted. "hey, I got it!" It was a wonderful and touching moment none of us has forgotten. Well, this year, Mark is two years older. He's grown some, but still has some issues. We were pleased and able to cast Mark in a bigger role -- and he more than just rose to the occasion. He stole the show. It's such a blessing to see how they grow and to see their confidence expand and blossom when we return year after year.

So, here we are in Tennessee, and more than ever, I covet your prayers. Though God is really showing us the reason for our calling, likewise, the Enemy s ramping up his efforts to make things difficult on us all. We had some issues in recent days, but we're working through them and praying together. Some members of our team are facing some tough decisions, and I know they will appreciate your prayers as they seek God's face.

Thank you all for the way you support us, and care for us, and continue to love us and partner with us in prayer.

We continue to count it all joy that His strength can be made perfect in our weakness.