Frack Facts

Thursday, June 29, 2006

The ever present challenge of finding Internet access has once again been with us again this week. I am sitting here with Neesa and Jeff aka Raul Fernandez at Taco Bell. They all say hello or Buenos Dias. This week has been really special for us as we are at Tillman's Corner, Alabama the site of the very first Art Is In camp two years ago and is also the home church for our sweet Mandy. All of our staff is awesome and each one brings a unique set of gifts and abilities to the table. I would ask each of you who read this to daily lift them up as they serve this summer.

Last week's performance in Livingston hit a home run and we are all so proud of each of you for your tireless dedication to using your gifts and talents for the Lord's service. The whole team sends a big hello to all of the young people at Doyle Baptist and thank you again for helping with the tear down and load out. We can't wait to see you again soon.

Please begin praying for us as we head to Gulfport next week. Pray that the Lord will begin preparing hearts and opening doors for us to make meaningful and lasting relationships. To all of our friends who have been at Art Is In this summer, I hope that you are having a great summer and know that we miss you all. Keep in touch.

Musically His
Bro. Phillip

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The one thing about writing a blog is that you have to actually sit down and write on it. That also requires access to the Internet at a time where you are actually able to sit down and be able to think straight. I can tell you that at the end of a camp day, that is not always possible but today I am going to try and attempt it.

First off to our new friends in Lexington, Kentucky, thank you for all of your love and wonderful memories that you gave us last week. We miss you all and we really miss the wonderful weather that we enjoyed. The show last Friday evening was a real smash and each and every one of you did an excellent job. Thank you for using your gifts for the Lord in such an awesome way. Remember, it is never good-bye it is only "I'll see you at the feast".

As many of you know, a couple of weeks ago when we were getting ready to leave Slidell, we had to change out one of our tires due to a bulge in the sidewall. No problem for the Frick and Frack team beacause not only do we carry a spare but we carry a spare for the spare. The real trick has come in replacing the spare's spare. We looked all over Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama as we left town but found nothing in a 10 ply tire. That is until Ms. Peggy got involved. For those of you who don't know Ms. Peggy, she is Neesa's mom. After calling the tire manufacturer's home office the Vice-President of customer service located a tire and I think even brought it to the Fed Ex office herself and now we once again have a spare for the spare. I pray that we never need it and I am thankful that we have now logged over 3000 miles without one road incident this summer. Thanks Ms. Peggy and all of the people at Denman tire for their help.

This week we are in Livingston Lousisiana and the weather is a typical South Lousianana summer. Hot, Hotter, Rain, and even Hotter with stickyness applied. The boys and girls here are doing well and our hosts have been an absolute blessing in taking care of our lunches and helping out during the day. The pastor here is a choice servant and I feel like we have been in ministry for years together. The spirit here is so warm and loving and I know that God not only has been working in our midst but still has more wonderful blessings for this week and the years to come here.

I am now going to share a story, that I can sit back and breath about but yesterday freaked me out just a little. As most of you know I get up each morning at 5:45 to shower and have a morning quiet time to prepare for the day. This week has been especially special because I get to spend a portion of my quiet time sitting at a grand piano playing hymns and songs that speak to me and minister to my heart. Mom I promise I am okay. She reads this stuff. Yesterday as I finished my quiet time the pastor and his children were coming into the room and getting ready for the morning. The lights had been off so I left them off and just enjoyed the solitude and time of personal worship. I left to go outside and attend our morning staff meeting and got ready for the day. The pastor comes into the staff meeting and I can tell he has been excited about something and at the close of the meeting shares that right beneath the piano I had been worshiping at right after I left a six inch brown rattle snake crawled out from where I had been sitting. So now I can truly say I have been is a snake handling church. I am fine and so is everyone else but I check under the piano now before I sit down. Take care all and I will try to write soon.

Musically His

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Frack Facts

It is hard to know where to start. First let me tell everyone that reads this blog that I am sorry that I was unable to write last week but we didn't have internet access until the later part of the week and when I did have time to write, I chose to sleep and rest. So I am going to split this entry into 3 sections: The Morgan City show, Things that have happened, and Slidell.

To all of our friends and family in Morgan City, let me tell that the entire week was awesome. Thanks to my mom and sister for all they did to help make the week a huge success. The world premier of "The Ballad of Bullheaded Billy" was not only well executed but was far beyond all expectations. The children did an outstanding job and we are so proud of all of you. I hope and pray that the rest of your summer will be as exciting and fun filled as the week was that we spent with you. To quote my sister, you truly are the most twenty-onederful young people that we have been priviledged to work with. Kudos to the entire cast and crew for a fabulous job. We hope to see you in the future at some time and if not then like I told a young lady on Friday night last week, "It is not goodbye but for those of us who know the LORD in a personal way it is simply I'll see you at the Feast."

Many things have happened to us along the way since I last wrote but we have seen God be so good and He has truly guided and taken care of us. We have had two seperate trailer issues but neither one of them a flat on the side of the road. Before we left Stafford we installed a load leveling system which made the trailer ride more level and much smoother. As we were pulling out of Baton Rouge two weeks ago, one of the brackets cracked due to an imperfection in the steel. Fortunately we were pulling into the CC's coffee house and were not on the Interstate. We changed our trailer hook up back to the regular hitch ball and were able to get down the road to Morgan City where we were able to get a replacement bracket at no cost in time to head down the road to Slidell. The other issue happened in Slidell. When we were pulling out Friday afternoon we noticed a bulge in the sidewall of one the trailer's tires. It was the size of half a tennis ball. I was not excited to see this but glad I noticed in the day time because we may have missed it at night when we were loading. Since the trailer was mostly empty we decided to go ahead and change the tire with our full size spare. The only problem is that this was discovered 40 minutes before the children were supposed to arrive for the show. The people in Slidell were so gracious to us as they sent out word and some man came and changed out the tire and then some else took our extra tire we had and had it mounted on the rim. Unfortunately we have still not been able to find a replacement extra tire of the right size and rating. We use a really heavy duty tire. ST225/75R15 E grade 10 ply tire. They are special order in most places and everyone can get you one in a day or two but never on Saturday morning. But through all of this God has watched over us and taken care of us. This morning I am in Tennesse just south of Nashville. So far everything has worked well and we have had no further incidents. Please pray for our continued safety as we travel.

Finally, I want to close out this blog taking about our week at Slidell. The seventy two young men and women were an absolute delight to work with. Thank you Bro. Jim and the entire FBC staff for your love and tireless dedication to the children of Slidell. The week of camp went very smooth and the final performance was overwhelming. Words can not express our debt of gratitude to everyone. We came to be a blessing to all of you but we were the ones who left blessed and our cups are running over. Your flood of appreciation has touched us deeply and we pray that the work done there will be a springboard for even greater things to come in the days and weeks ahead. To the friends we met this week who were relief workers from all over the country thank you for your dedication to the Lord. This week there were over 300 workers working out of the church helping rebuild that community. It truly was an awesome sight to see the people of God giving so unselfishly of their time, talent and resources. Slidell we will never forget you and you will continue to be in our prayers for a long time to come. Hope to see all of you next year.

Some of you have asked me how you can leave a response to the posts that I create on the page. I did not realize that you have to have an account to do so. You can either sign up for an accout for yourself, it is free and you don't have to blog to have an account or you can use a special account that I have set up to leave messages. The user name is ffst2006 That stands for Frick and Frack summer tour 2006. If you will email me at I will send you the password and then you will be able to leave messages for me and the staff on this web page. Take care all and please never cease to pray for us as we are on mission this summer.

Musically His

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Morgan City in some ways never changes but in other ways it still is very different from when I grew up here as a child. It has been a great week for me personally. Mom has fed us and played with us and laughed and had a great time all week. I got to see my nieces piano recital and the overwhelming love and support of good friends has been endless throughout this entire week. The staff we have is probably the best one we have ever assembled and I can't say enough about the wonderful job that they have done. We go into Thursday with so much done in preparation for the show on Friday evening that it will help us focus solely on the children. Today is the most important day of the week at Art Is In camp. You may find that I say that strange because many people would think that should be show day. Well that is important too but today we have our evangelistic push during our worship time that we have each day. I feel strongly that there are children that need to make a life changing decision and I have been burdened all week about them. Pray with me that God with open and soften hearts and minds today. Pray for our staff as they take serious the Great Commission to go and tell. Pray for the rest of the week as we put the final preparations on the show for Friday night. Pray for our travel on Saturday to Baton Rouge for a laundry stop and then on to Slidell for our second camp. Pray for the continued strength and health of each staff member, I personally am fighting vocal fatigue due to sinus issues. Pray that God will open up new doors of ministry that we haven't even thought about or seen. Pray for our host church FBC Morgan City that they will be able to take the fruit of this work and be a greater influence and reach into their community.

I have to go now but I will try to post something after the show on Friday. To all of our families and friends, we love you all and feel your prayers.

Musically His