Frack Facts

Saturday, February 16, 2008

We're here!

After many long hours, three different airlines, crying babies and lots of luggage we finally arrived yesterday. Even though we were tired from such a long journey the team was amazing as we all enjoyed and playfully rollicked in the wonder of Alaska. I have always been told of the natural beauty of this place by friends and family memebers who have been before but you really can't experience the wonder of this place until you actually come.

I have gotten some sleep and am off to begin a new day of exploring this wonderful place. Everyone on the team is healthy and excited about our mission here and can't wait to get started.

Check back soon for more Alaska Adventure updates

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Less than 48

No this blog isn't about the waist size I would like to be in, although I am making great progress with my lifestyle changes, isn't that a funny phrase for being on a diet. Instead the title of this blog can't contain my excitement about the fact that in less than 48 hours we will be taking the extremely long plane ride to Alaska. Please pray that all will work well and according to the many schedules that day will entail. I would go into all the details but that would take more time than I have allotted for this.

For me, time is both my enemy and friend right now. I am well on my way to being finished with the first five orchestrations for my new musical project but still have to do a few mundane things like pack and cast two shows of King of the Jungle from auditions that were stellar. I feel a little like I'm trapped in an episode of American Idol.

Anyway, I gotta run. Literally everyone at my home today is either off work or on 2 hour delay due to the ice storm last night. Yet I am up and at the computer working hard. I don't really mind, I just feel the need to express myself on the issue. I will post one more time before I leave and then the next time I post I will be in America's last frontier.

Check back for more Alaska Adventure updates.

Monday, February 11, 2008

3 days left

Taking almost all of the A team to Alaska. We will miss you Tori and Cleo. Don't worry the summer will be here soon. Everybody is excited and so am I. Still today I have received another request for a summer application. We are going to have the most awesome week in Alaska but this summer is going to be the best summer tour of all time. Many have applied and are still in the process of applying but everyone should welcome a new hire to our summer staff, his name is Keith. I will send you all his email as soon as we get it set up.

Thanks for all your prayers. I finished an entire orchestration today in the midst of teachhing two musical theater classes and auditioning over 50 kids for the two casts of King of the Jungle. They were all awesome. It was cold today here in the DC area but not as cold as it is and is going to be in Alaska. Still and all I look forward to it, even though I have a feeling it will be like a scene out of the movie Cool Runnings.

Check back for more Alaskan Adventure Updates

Sunday, February 10, 2008

So much to pack. So much to do. So much.

The reality of how much there is to do to go to Alaska can be overwhelming. I keep telling myself to only do one thing at a time but that seems too simple and frankly a not realistic solution. Just as I type these words I am reminded by the words I shared with someone just the other day. God's grace is sufficient to meet all of our needs. I guess for me that means even if I can't get everything I have planned or would like to get done then it will be much better than okay, it will be exactly what has been planned and set apart for me and it will be just where I should be.

If you can spare a moment, you can think about me and pray that I will get 3 orchestrations finished, my KidStuf planning finished and all of my clothes packed for Alaska while still finding time for little things like sleep.

I have auditions tomorrow for King of the Jungle. We have so many talented kids coming to the auditions that it will be probably the greatest challenge in casting we have ever faced. There are at least six boys who could play the part of Dr. Grimes and at least 8 girls who could be Dr. Christine. We have already had the first audition and if the rest are like that one. It is going to be inasanely tough.

Check back for more Alaska Adventure Updates

Saturday, February 09, 2008

North to Alaska

As the song says we are going North to Alaska go North the rush is one. What a rush it will be when the Fabulous Frick and Frack team takes their ministry on to a much bigger stage. This year Alaska in future years maybe Europe, South America, Australia maybe even Africa! Africa!

I can hear adventure calling. Only you first year staffers can get that one.

Jake, Jeff, Caleb, Chris, Mandy, Christina, Arthur, Peggy, Griff, Neesa and I are going to live out a dream and share the Art Is In experience with some wonderful boys and girls who don't have the opportunity like so many others in the Continental US have gotten to enjoy time and time again.

Check back daily for Alaska Art Is In updates. Now mush mush mush!